The AT12 (airborne target 12) property is a Ni-Cu-PGE occurrence in ultramafic rocks and was discovered by Noront in 2008. The anomaly is situated roughly 8 km northeast of the Eagle’s Nest-Blackbird complex, and within 2 km of the Thunderbird vanadium deposit. It was first identified as a high conductance target in the Fugro GeoTEM and VTEM surveys, and initial drilling was prompted by its resemblance in geophysical signature to the Eagle’s Nest ore body. Drilling in the region thus far indicates that the conductor is hosted in an ultramafic dike that intruded the granodiorite, which dips very steeply to the east, pinching out downwards and to the north. Several drill holes have intersected minor massive, net-textured and disseminated Cu- and Ni-bearing sulphides. A new interpretation of the emplacement and potential orientation of the mineralization has been developed, and the expanded exploration program for 2010 will assess the new theory through ground geophysics and continued drilling.