Hey,Edgy, I agree with your statement, but I think that most here are leaving some value out...
You stated,"I am confident that Eagle's Nest will prove up between 15 and 20 million tons."
That is very easy to do, and I would lean heavily towards the 20 as opposed to the 15... The icing on the cake is these drill holes into AT12 and the amount of nickel at Eagle 2... Granted, it is not as high grade, but .7 - .8% nickel WILL be mined someday... This is value enhancing ore that has been given NO value by anyone to date. Everyone is looking for 5%+ nickel or they say it isn't worth anything...
Well, last time I checked, the infrastructure issue was over. Now, there are the issues of FN's and Governments kicking in their portion (rail line on CROWN land) and incentives to make sure this area gets developed... This will come, heh, you see more and more about our little Ring of Fire in Government Throne speechs and commentaries all the time... Soon, me thinks, very soon.
Just don't forget that this slightly lower grade nickel WILL get mined, and Noront will NOT give this away for nothing just because it doesn't have 5% nickel in it. Why, we did get a 2 - 3 meter layer of 4% nickel... perhaps these analysts should start factoring in these other lower grade ore bodies too. All it takes is a road/rail access and a concentrator to make this ore "PROFITABLE"... Soon as the 5% ore is all cleaned up, of course... But to get to that layer of 4% nickel, they only have to strip off the .8% nickel and put it in a pile to go to the concentrator right after they are done with the 4% nickel.....
Just a thought, when valueing our Company, as opposed to only assigning value to our "Eagles"...
God Bless all Noront Shareholders.