We were all buzzing with "The Game Changer" durring the FWR takeover attempt. Our Sp sice had languished. Our "Game Changer" now will be the 2000m drill. WHEN we show mineralization down to 2000m our SP will move fast. I think that it is being held down until that point because then the big guys can let it run and run it will. Dont get me wrong I would love to it move way before then but each time we see a move we see a counter move that holds it down. It was good news to hear that we will be drilling starting at 1200m down from hole 49 so drill time is cut WAY DOWN. Also assay time will be cut WAy DOWN as they will only have to assay 800+m. There is plenty of other news that will move our Sp but i think the 2000m will be the big one. Any one else have thoughts? TTY