"But have you not also notice there has been little or no input from our HUB LEADERS (see column at right hand side for names) for the past week or two.... doesn't that seem strange??"
I know some of those reasons and I'm sure you know some of them too. The largest reason is that there is nothing currently to say other than to speculate/theorize/hypothesize or what ever you might want to call it. Some here are science oriented and respond only with what they know to be facts. Being that there is relatively little that is new, there are other places to be and fish to fry. NOT is not the only stock people are invested in. I like to speculate on ideas which is why I'm here. I'm not interested in who gets green thumbs as these are no more reliable than the people who frequent this site, the nameless and generally faceless, some being of dubious intent. I'm interested in ideas. Complaints don't qualify for ideas. Is it any wonder why visitations by those you mention are less frequent. They may be feeling unhappy about NOT too but at least they are not participating in what is unproductive. Having considered your comment I should point out those that have posted within the reasonable past: hoov, glorieux, Khareema, Irish, Fantomas, Stratopod, Milsy, Babjak, Jacki, Herbert and myself. QQ usually responds when news comes out.