good for chromite yes???
Commerzbank does not look for sharp increases in nickel prices even though use of the metal for stainless steel has risen. The bank notes that preliminary figures from the International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) indicate that global stainless steel production surged last year by 25% to a record 30.7 million tons. The ISSF attributes this to the economic recovery, strong end-use demand and re-stocking at service centers and fabricators. The ISSF looks more demand growth this year, but also warns this could be dampened by high raw material and energy prices. Commerzbank says nickel “should profit initially from the high level of stainless steel output, as about 70% of its use is in the stainless steel industry.” However, the bank continues, “we do not expect sharp rises in the price of nickel, though, as the fundamental situation on the nickel market is clouding. A lot of new production will enter the market in the next two years and much positive news should be already priced in.”