"The east west is already established and can be used for the construction of the mines"- Crazytrade ; AGREED, imo.
Early start for both NOT and CLF??, with Cr offtake from NOT sent to Sudbury??
This east west route action produces early start for revenues for NOT (and supported by soon tba assumptions in the Feasibilty Study results), as well as for CLF and ON (taxes) plus earlier jobs start for FN and others and announcement opportunities for McG.
It may well be that both routes are chosen, with E-W starting 2-3 years before the N-S route due to advanced Permiting status of NOT , then the N-Swhich is the better long term mining transport solution.
Read: East -West is FN centric and North-South is mining-resouce centric. I think McG will favour the former and spin it the FN most beneficial way. IMO.