NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Thinning crowd of junior miners provides both opportunity and risk

Tibber you wrote:

" I never owned NOT but have been looking at it lately as the price is so , well, attractive ... at least on the surface......

...be prepared to wait"


Tibber, I own lots of Noront shares.

And...I am extremely optimistic.

I am very optimistic in the fact that RCF continues to choose Noront shares in lieu of cash for their interest payments.

Just recently... Canadian Insider reported they bought a million more shares on the open market. What's the hurry??

I look at Dave Thomas, Resource Capital Funds ..who sits on the Noront board and I look at his background

Managing Director (Canada) at RCF Management (Toronto) Inc.


  • Director at PDAC
  • Director at Noront Resources
  • Past -Executive Director, Institutional Equity Sales, Mining at CIBC WorldMarkets -Managing Director at Blackmont Capital -Partner, Precious Metals Equity Analyst at Newcrest Capital So, when I look at Dave Thomas ...I see a "smart, experienced guy", and an INSIDER of Noront.So,...then I think....about all these media stories of "gloom and doom", stuff with the implication that this will take "forever" to get going..I wonder ..who is right?. I realize that the BIG advertisers (aka: banks) control the stories we read...and then I realize ...I can't be influenced by that..because it's not honest.Wildlandleagues has also been spewing stuff lately...but then it's the DONATIONS that keep them employed. Those that donate big...."control" the spews.

    So,, I look again at Noront ..a company that when mining will be the lowest cost nickel producer ... MINUS 70 cents due to credits...and I think this is a great company to be invested in.

    And I'm not the only one...RCF thinks so too. And they are an INSIDER. If they were converting interest money to cash and buying other stuff...I'd think differently.

    Grabbing an extra OVER ONE MILLION shares as seen on Canadian Insider Oct.16 ...also speaks LOUDLY.

    Why not ..sit with the money if this is so far away... or buy something else with it ..ask yourself ..why?

    I've looked at numerous past deals RCF has been involved in ...and they made a bundle of money...and it didn't take A LONG TIME.

    Why would this time be any different? Suddenly...they've become stupid and are throwing their money away to watch it sit doing nothing for decades???

    I laugh when I think back to some of the crap written about Warren Buffett when he bought Burlington Sante Fe. A long history had proved this man's genious in investing. The history of success was clearly there.

    Yet..articles were written about this purchase with the idea..that "maybe...he's gotten old and isn't thinking clearly...What was he thinking buying this now? Had he lost his mind??

    The writers of this ..later..walked with their tails behind their legs when once again...Buffett proved he was KING.

    A nice blurb to read:

    "Did Warren Buffett corner the railroad market? He says he bought Burlington Northern Santa Fe because he likes to play with trains.

    Of course, he might have noticed that trains use diesel engines to drive generators to make electricity, which in turn powers the motors that propel the train. Could it have occurred to Buffett that those same motors might be powered with electricity made from running hydrogen through a fuel cell? Might this eliminate that huge diesel-electric drive of the trains, and do so at zero pollution and zero greenhouse gases?

    Where would Buffett find the hydrogen? How about the dozens of industrial plants around the country that have hydrogen around as a byproduct of the other things they make. Could he not fill his tank cars there and haul them to the train yards ready to be hitched to trains and power them across the country, and even bring them back without a refill.

    Might Buffett have also noticed the bigger fish in the sea: That inevitable hydrogen infrastructure. Unlike oil and natural gas, hydrogen is not easily transported with pipelines. This means it will have to be shipped in tanks, and the cheapest way to ship is still with rail. By the time the hydrogen infrastructure gets underway, Buffett should know something about hydrogen, having hauled it around to power his trains.

    Could things get any better for Buffett? How about tanks that hold hydrogen in non-gas form, at low pressure and room temperature. Concrete steps in that direction were taken last week by the engineers at Massachusetts University with their mathematical model for nanotube hydrogen storage. A similar model produced dramatic results last month with metal hydride tanks. And just this June engineers at the University of Delaware achieved storage yields equal to nanotubes and metal hydrides using nothing more than burnt chicken feathers as raw material.

    To be sure none of these things occurred to Buffett in buying Burlington Northern Santa Fe. He just likes playing with trains. "


    So, I ask you....Does RCF keep wanting more noront shares...because they think they are fun to play with??

    What about this back in July?" In addition, the Company will be issuing, subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, 70,000 Common Shares at a deemed price of $0.45 per share to a third party consultant."

    So, is this consultant to Noront...Nuts?? Is he/she stupid for not taking the money and agreeing instead be given common shares deemed at .45 cents?? Again...this person is doing work for the company and is more knowledgeble about what is going on than you or me ..and they thought .45 cents shares were better than money.

    • Partner, Precious Metals Equity Analyst at GMP Capital
    • Mining Analyst at Raymond James
    • Project Geologist at Inmet Mining

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