A very fair and proper idea:
"I tried to put myself in the shoes of Minister Gravelle"
What type on the board of the DevCo?
Ontario rep. Yes because they are putting up a billion bucks, a solid buy in and a voting member to say the least.
Federal Rep. only when and if they provide a similar buy in then same applie to them, other wise nope, nada, Niet, no blame for trying?
Thunder Bay or Sudbury, imho NO.
Greenstone/Nakina also no.
Noront Yes, due to first to start and E/W road participation.
KWG a tentative Yes IF they commit to the railway and allow it to be used by other companies of the Ring, for renumeration of course.
No ther company of the ring to be in unless they substantially contribute to the whole. ( I have mostly Cliffs in mind at the moment.)
I am only in favour Of Webequie to have a Rep. who are to stand for the natives, being the closest ones to the Ring but imho do not own any part of the land in question.
Throw in a mining expert and a transportation one to complete the board. No more are needed. That means no environmentalist or financiers etc.
If I can do this in a few minutes, most of you can also so, why has there been wasted all of 6 weeks?
Yes I lack details, but those could have been filled in in a matter of days, weeks at the most IF one consults with most if not all of the parties that may be involved. They had at least a couple of years to do that.
No I am not vying to be a board member or tell Gravelle how to do his job, but it does seem very obvious to me looking from the peanut and beer gallery.
GLTA and plenty of patience, Ed.