NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Timelines

I keep reading about the lack of "timelines" when it comes to developing the ROF.

How many years of consulations with First Nations have there been??

We've read about the $24 milk years ago due to lack of roads....

We've read about the outrage from First Nations in regards to lack of medical care in remote reserves. We have been told infrastructure is largely to blame..roads are needed!

Noront spent millions on an engineered study for the East West route which would allow much cheaper ....milk among other things for 4 remote FN reserves.

After giving another 800K to 4 reserves for ...their own FN study....we have no further info 9 months later....even though we were told it would take 4-6 months.

So where is the road that has been wanted by the FN's so badly....... for so many reasons???

Media is slamming Gravelle ....and rightfully so...due to his inaction...

Where is the "real" hold up??? Is it the Government not willing to spend the money to build this road?? Gravelle did state the 1 billion for the ROF has been given to the transfer agent....

So what is the real story here??

If it's not the unwillingness by the Gov't. If the money has been set aside...then.. where is the holdup?

As an example, we have been reading continuously about the Missing and Murdered aboriginal women. The First Nation leaders have been screaming something has to be done and it must be done NOW!!!!

So...Trudeau gets in power ...and agrees it's a priority and will be acted on.

So ...does the inquiry funded by taxpayers ....start right away...???



You see....According to Bellegarde in the link above....

There has to be a pre-consultation phase."

"You want to get the terms of reference and authorities and powers of that commission proper. You need to hear from the families and that takes time,” he said."

"Bellegarde wants this pre-consultation phase to begin now, but the actual national inquiry to start on April 1, 2016."

So, the gov't is supposed to talk to the families to ask them how to do an inquiry?According to The Star....the list of missing or murdered amounts to 1,129 names in Canada. So when Bellegarde tells the gov't...you need to hear from the families...is he talking about 1,129 families to visit by April 1, 2016 or a sample of them????

Think of all the families to visit..and how remote they are....and the gov't is given a deadline of April 1, 2016. IT seems like a fairly short amount of time to fly out and see all these individual families to get their input....

Yet....a study of a study of a road has been over 9 months with no results...

Noront had top engineers to do the study and it was done a long time ago. Where is the FN study and what happened to the timeline of 4-6 months??

It appears only the FN's can impose a timeline.

Since, Bellegarde feels the gov't does not know how to do anything ...even an inquiry of missing and murdered aboriginal women needs pre-consultation before the real consultation begins.....

Pehaps it's better that the chiefs of ontario fund this inquiry themselves and do it on their own? Why spend tax dollars if the gov't can't do the job properly and needs to pre-consult before they ..consult?

Perhaps the Chiefs of Ontario can cancel the taxpayer inquiry and fund this through other means.....and do it 100% their way at their own...speed?

Interestingly enough ....it "appears" they are funding their own inquiry?

If you feel the inquiry that will be done by the liberal gov't using your tax dollars is not enough....You can click on the link below and ....donate...again...directly to the Chiefs of Ontario.


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