This person reminds one of a hamster runnning on a wheel ....getting nowhere fast!!!
For quite sometime he has assertained that "we must get it right?"
He appointed some of his "political hacks" to oversee the developement of the ROF but they have yet to publish any paper or or inform the public of any mile stone or accomplitions that they have met.
This has been almost 2 years now with nothing to show for it except drawing their stipends.
They have thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars at surveys to the FN's and all we got back was "the winter roads are melt sooner because of global warming"....duh....give me a break!
The FN's because of their knowledge of the area should have been able give feasible routes in and out of the ROF in a matter of weeks or months...?
No-wynne and her munchkin spout a little dance....and laugh at Northen Ontario while plowing BILLIONS into the Toronto to Hamilton transit way...for shame!!!