NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Wyloo commits C$100 million in local contracts to sweeten Noront bid

In March, BHP Billiton announced at PDAC it was establishing a mineral exploration hub in Toronto with a focus on battery materials.

Lets give BHP a call and see if they are interested..lets not squander our once-in-a-generation opportunity to establish itself as a major player in the new economy.

Pretty sure Voisey didn't go for .315...oh yes 4.5 billion.  The company said it is the largest high-grade nickel discovery in Canada since Voisey's Bay and the most advanced project in the Ring of Fire.




Wyloo commits C$100 million in local contracts to sweeten Noront bid

Michael McCrae Monday May 31, 2021 13:09

Kitco News

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(Kitco News) - Wyloo Metals announced today it was committing to develop a battery materials hub in Ontario as part of its Noront Resources (TSX.V: NOT) bid.

Last week Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest's Wyloo Metals said it would launch an unsolicited bid for shares in Noront Resources it does not already own, an offer valuing the Canadian miner at C$133 million, according to a report by Reuters. After news of the bid, Noront Resources announced a shareholder rights plan or poison pill to fend off the bid.

Wyloo said it will commit C$25 million toward feasibility studies to investigate the potential for battery material production in Ontario. It will also target C$100 million in contract awards to First Nations businesses.

"These commitments, alongside our recent offer for Noront Resources, reflect Wyloo Metals' strategy of long-term investment into Canada," said Wyloo Metals, Luca Giacovazzi, in a news release.

"Canada has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to establish itself as a major player in the new economy. Our proposed Future Metals Hub provides the cornerstone for a globally relevant battery material supply chain in Canada, while creating economic opportunities for local communities to thrive."

Noront is a Canadian-based mining company that has the largest land position in the Ring of Fire. Noront's Eagle's Nest project is a nickel, copper and platinum group element (PGE) deposit. The company said it is the largest high-grade nickel discovery in Canada since Voisey's Bay and the most advanced project in the Ring of Fire.

If Wyloo goes ahead with its battery hub, it will have company. In March, BHP Billiton announced at PDAC it was establishing a mineral exploration hub in Toronto with a focus on battery materials.

Forrest founded Fortescue Metals Group, a major iron ore miner. In 2020 the company had revenues of $12.8 billion and shipped 178.2 million tonnes of ore.

The company has commited to ambitious CO2 reduction goals.

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