Good evening Rob, my friend: You definitely rate (*****) for that post, but then you aren't the type of mod that is being complained about. I, for one respect & like you.
I also have learned to respect poor Andreas, she has a thankless job. There is no way that she can review all of the violation reports and still do her other duties, so she 'must' rely upon the mods. She is quite reasonable also. So don't jump on her guys.
However, I will cut and paste some of my posts that were clasified as violations in the past few days.
Perhaps you can point the violation out to me and clarify why they are so horrible, especially compared to some of the other posts this past week in both room?
Don Jose de La Mancha
"Hi BertaCurry.
As per our previous warnings, we have suspended your posting privileges within AGORACOM.
Andreas M"
"This was cancelled obviousy". As I mentioned, Andreas is a gem actually, with a very thankless job.
Examples -->
Post Content:
HI Stratopod: Golf?? Isn't that the joke the Irish played on the Scots and they haven't seen the humor of it yet?
CHESS my friend, Chess. You can sit down like a gentleman and enjoy a delicious beverge at the same time while ogling the gals. They can even sooth your brow, try that in yer ole golf.
Don Jose de La Mancha
p.s. Golfing is fun my friend.
Original message:
Evening John: Do you have any NOT stock that you wish to dump @ 70%?? Save you from the huge loss coming up. Don Jose de La Mancha
Original message:
Evening Blue Spruce: you posted --> 'FREEWEST, Mac & CLIFFS have “No Comment”'
No comment, equates to the --------5th------in the US. An escape clause. ?????? Don Jose de La Mancha
Original message:
Good evenig again John: You posted --> 'Ans as far as FWR, it has a multi millions Tons of Chromite, which is marketable, that's why FWR is trading around 50 cents, and will dramatically jump up once the official 43-101 is released shortly' ~~~~~~
As you say my friend, you have factual data to show this? or is it strictly opinion? Don Jose de La Mancha
Original message:
HI long Stocking: Quicher complaining, that is more than the Christians received before being tossed to the hungry Noront Lions. heheheheh
Don Jose de La Mancha