Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Just another meaningless post, like so many...

POETMMc: POET is still fueling the rocket.  As investors, it's best that we sit back, CALM DOWN, and wait for the launch.  The preparation for launch is going well.  It is unrealistic for us to expect more during this process.  Just be mindful that it is a process.

Yes, it takes the time it takes. I really like that picture. The crew and support staff have a lot of technical stuff to do and don’t have any time to take care of the spectators, apart from obligatory messages. The spectators, they are sitting a few kilometers away in their armchairs, trying to make out one or the other detail with their strong binoculars. Anyway, as far as we can see, launch preparations are going very well. So let’s just wait until everything is ready and not try to hastily take off with a half-fueled rocket!

Whoever throws in the towel at this point in time reminds me – to use another metaphor – of an expectant father who says: “Phew, eight and a half months already and she still hasn’t delivered anything! No return on my investment! I give up, this isn’t going anywhere!"


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