Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Phil Alsop of Pic Magazine interview with Suresh Venkatesan

Suresh was asked whether the same solution is used to increase speeds to 3.2T….You can use more or less exactly the same solution and just,  get the speeds up, or or does there come a point where it gets a bit more complicated to to continue?

Answer: there's the component piece, which we rely on our partners to develop, and then there's the interposer, which, you know, is a platform. And it does scale, and it's somewhat speed agnostic from that perspective. I mean, I wouldn't say that it is no work, but it is relatively, less heavy lifting, if you will, to move from one speed to the other. If you're doing a module the conventional way, I mean, every change, whether it's 800 gig,  DR4 or FR4 or LR4….1.6T is a grounds up design. You know, you just kinda start over, because the number of components you have to integrate, whether it has a multiplexer, demultiplexer, how you align the fibers and lenses, all of that changes. And so most people that make these modules in a conventional manner, it's a ground up design.

For us, you buy an 800 gig engine, the module design remains exactly the same. We take care of all of the optical complexity on the Interposer itself. So, basically, the same chip or different chips. So they buy an DR 4 chip, an FR 4 chip, and an LR4 chip, for example. Their module remains exactly the same. All they're doing is replacing the chip on that module, and you have a completely new product. So their module remains exactly the same. All they're doing is replacing the chip on that module, and you have a completely new product. So the time to market and the engineering resources that our customers need to put in to have these different form factors is dramatically reduced by using our solutions because we take care of the optical path that they don't now need to worry about.

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