Mr. Pascali,
Congrats to the team for getting this deal done!
Company Name: |
File Number: |
450397445 |
Filing State: |
New Jersey (NJ) |
Domestic State: |
Delaware (DE) |
Filing Status: |
Active |
Filing Date: |
July 9, 2019 |
Company Age: |
3 Months |
Registered Agent: |
Mailing Address: |
Looks like this company was registered recently. As a PYR investor, I'm concerned PYR did not disclose this information? This should be material news? How is this company related to PYR? What is the connection (costs/benefits)? When I looked up the address, it's a small office next to the Sheraton. Where is the DROSRITE going to be built? What additional costs are there to PYR?
Thanks in advance for your time.