A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Q For Peter: Any comments on the YF Bashers?

Hey Peter,

I know many users here know that your stock sells are disclosed, but I wanted to post a few recent comments from the bashers who have hung around for over a year claiming they don't own shares but post bashing comments almost every day ranging from accusing you of some type of fraud or scam to accusing the company of being a complete scam. I've seen it all in the last year. Some very, very damning comments that go way over the line. 

There have been older comments than this, and some comments are now gone such as accusing Pyrogenesis of creating a shell company to order torches. . . from Pyrogenesis and press release that the shell company wants 130 more torches potentially, and then press-releasing it.(which is illegal to do, but people spin things to scare retail investores en masse).

Now the long term investors don't believe the bashings, and these bashers don't post their BS on Agoracom, because they don't seem to want answers.

My question is- Read these comments, and consider some of the past behavior of bashers, what is your take on all of it?



Exteqqie2 days ago
It's funny how PYR has press releases for things that most companies wouldn't even consider material. Why waste time and money telling investors PYR has joined two Russell Indexes?

It's also funny how these "non-news" fluff press releases seem to frequently happen right before Pistol Pete decides to dump shares. Almost seems as if the share price artificially inflates from investors acting on the fluff, then Pistol Pete dumps shares and immensely profits, all while driving the share price down further than it originally was.
[There's something fishy here.gif]
Exteqqie2 days ago
Pistol Pete after dumping his shares and profiting millions of dollars for a second time, simultaneously costing share holders hundreds of millions in the process.

When will the longs learn?
[Guy swimming in money.gif]
Exteqqie3 days ago
Looks like the retail investors are starting to wisen up, they seem to no longer be falling for the constant fluff news.
[Taking out the trash.gif]
SuprDuprBatman6 days ago
I love how Exteqqie is having conversations with his other fake account today!! Lol what an interesting fellow.
Peid Piper Peter6 days ago
Look. The institutions don't buy this for a reason. They can easily see the pattern in the Financials. The dilution re cheap insider warrants followed by insider sales, strangling the stock price and devaluing the shares, no positive free cash flow or cash from operations ever, the same potential being pitched over a period of years with little to nothing coming of it. It offends me so much because PPs pitch is designed, in my opinion, to draw in an ongoing supply of new retail working class investors who are hoping for a better life. As they give up and cut their losses new ones come on and the only person that makes money is Peter. He knows who his target investor is. If he spent less time trying to attract new investors to support the stock price and more time trying to attract CUSTOMERS for PYR maybe it would be different. I think he sees the investors as the customers he needs to sell to to make money. But if that's all that materializes out of it and they don't make a REAL profit (not a bunch tricky revenue that represents no actual dollars earned or banked) -at some point it borders on a pyramid scheme. A short wide pyramid with two layers. Peter on the top, and every one of you on the bottom holding him up. In my opinion.
Peid Piper Peter8 days ago
It was $3M a torch, which apparently included a maintenance contract as now four4 torches go for 6m. They were plug and play according to CEO while he pumped them during covid peak, and they could ship them and iron ore companies could install themselves apparently, yet they assume they'll sell a maintenance contract that doubles the price of each one? To maintain them over in in Sweden? Then suddenly the hypotherical future
orders are priced at $7M a torch... Because Peter did some optimistic math and stretched the maintenance contract they don't have on the existing or theoretical orders
To a TWENTY YEAR TERM. It's typical pyr nonsense. I'd like to know how much profit is in one torch sold at 1.5 M, if ANY of the mystery customers have upgraded the electrical grid they are on to allow for more than 4 torches, and if they can secure the rare materials needed to make dozens or hundreds of torches, if the day ever came.
Peid Piper Peter
15 days agoReplied to a reaction
$PYR.TO conversation
My thought is why would a packing slip for a purchase by pyr be publicly available on the internet and that seems to be a Bitly type link that is simply a PDF given the link name of a web page that sounds vaguely like a real website, and it looks laughably suspect to me- or in the event it was real- leaked by the company to manipulate the stock price because how else could it be out there?, and even then sure as ##$%$LL not a contract. PYR was "shipping samples" of 3d print powder in 2019. No sales. Where's the quote for 36 torches? Where's the contracts? Why are all the prospects dangled in front of investors in other countries with unnamed companies? What happened with the LOI the subsidiary of pyr (drosrite) that Peter's son is the head of, that has the address of a place that rents offices by the day, gave PYR months back? Peter is not the creator of any technology pyr possesses. He's a business man with a resume in M&A and pumping, I mean preparing companies for IPOs. Both job involve making something look as good as possible on the surface for financial gain and/or milking something for everything you can get from it regardless of the outcome for the company. He's personally banked tens of millions by orchestrating and stacking technically legal transactions between himself and pyr in his favor (remember he controls 49 percent of the shares...) while never actually leading the company to profitability in over 15 years and has personally made 16M this year, while pyr is at a loss, the year he promised all the big things were to come. Tick tick tick PP. In my opinion as I am not a financial adviser.
Johan16 days ago
@CC Maybe [the titanium Bill of Lading] fake just so Peter gets the SP up so he gets paid more when he sells shares?


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