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Message: Re: Getting back into QEC

Feb 06, 2012 06:28AM

Hi Sebastian, I know im not the most qualified person on this forum to answer your questions but I will give it a try.

Is Questerre doomed if the moratorium is not lifted?

I would say no, definitely not. Questerre has a lot of nice assets but the potential in this stock would of course be a lot lower if the moratorium stays in place. I recommend you to read Rocco:s post about book value to get more information about the value of Qec others assets. Even if the moratorium would be set to last forever starting from today, I still would think that Qec would be undervalued because of their other assets.

Will the public opinion shift?

Cant really say, but I do believe that science will prevail and that this industry will be covered with strict regulations that still allows them to do what they do best. From my point of view it would be devastating for Quebecs economy to let this opportunity pass them by, and I am sure that also the politicians are well aware of this. From what I have read, people with insight in the process thinks that the moratorium will be lifted and that strict regulations will be put in place.

I am not giving you any advice whether to buy Questerre or not, you have to make that decision. I will keep buying at these levels because I think that this stock is clearly undervalued, moratorium or not, but you should make your own decision. If you havent done that already, read older posts in this forum, there is a lot of people here with a lot of knowledge about Questerre and shale gas.

Feb 07, 2012 06:49AM

Feb 09, 2012 04:55PM

Feb 10, 2012 09:47AM

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