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Message: Richmond Club presentation

Thanks for the posts masila. It is always important to remind readers of the great initiatives that are happening at Resverlogix and Zenith. I remain convinced and excited about the science and a breakthrough of ZEN3694 on the prostate issue will have a huge impact on RVX and confidence in apabetalone(rvx-208) inferentially.

I believe that if these (your list) milestsones are achieved then I will be reassured and momentum will grow rapidly in the market.

I was re-assured by BDAZ's post on Mar 15th...Per Sarah, "Ken Lebioda will be presenting at ROTH today, March 15th."

  • I do not know if this represents a fundamental shift in presentations. There have been a number of posts about the lack of share price impact of the various investor and science presentations and attendance at conferences by RVX and Zenith. I strongly believe that RVX and ZEN need to be there (even if both companies are already well known) because they need to maintain and foster relationships, trust and interest in recent developments.
  • However, my concern is that if it is Don that is standing up doing presentations like the recent ZEN and RVX updates then it is no wonder there is no positive impact on share price and demand. Those presentations would raise serious skepticism within any investor and I'm absolutely sure that scientists would find Don irrelevant because he doesn't understand the science AND unfortunately he does not appear capable of making the business case either!
  • And yet, it is still important to have the CEO present for private discussions and putting the right people together to move things forward.

I remain insensed about the non commital business side of the RVX and ZEN updates but I will restrict saying how intense I really feel.

  • The image I have in my head about what has happened since the closing of the Hepalink deal is that Don took a 6 month vacation while instructing the scientists and Ken Lebioda to keep on working on their projects. Then he realized he was required to give updates to shareholders so he told his people to throw something together quickly for each business that he could present in order to get shareholders off of his back.

Don should not be presenting at these conferences.

  • If there is a shift toward Ken Lebioda for the business side and to the scientists such as Dr Sweeny, Dr Wong, the kidney & cancer scientists and others that lend real credibility and trust in the science to these efforts and brands, then, I think we could see positive impacts from these events.

Anyway, I was so upset by the updates and Don's attitude I continue to rant. I will try to make this my last rant on Don (but I won't promise).



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