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Message: This is what I think might be going on.....

I'm pretty much in lock step agreement with those who think the NYC cancelation may very well be due to some sensitive negotiations that might be going on concerning the previously announced LOI.  We've got plenty of fodder for speculation as the company has PR'd the fact that they have a number of deals they're working on, any one of which would be enough to satisfy the outstanding loan obligation that's coming due before the end of the year. 

And that's not something I want to know about, and its not something that's causing me concern....I'm anxious about it, I'm increibly hopeful about it, but its not what's crawled up into my intestitines and is chewing at me.

What's bugging my innards is that Resverlogix as a public company has a fiduciary responsibility to its sharesholders....and that means all of them, not just the big boys.  And this is where things imo can get tricky.  I'm not so naive as to think that I know everything that Eastern or Hepalink knows, compared to them I'm less than a gnat....I can deal with that.  Its the old golden rule, those with the gold make the rules.  

What gets under my skin is when the simple things the company can do to address the concerns of retail shareholders....when those things are not done.  And this is where it gets tricky.  As a public company Resverlogix has that fiduciary responsibility, so at the very least they must "appear" to be trying act in the best interest of all their share holders...and they can do that in any number of ways, paying some cheeseball analysts to publish some content:

"See, we engaged this guy nobody has ever heard of to put out a report nobody will read", they can say. "Happy now"?

There are somewhere around 50 million shares in the public float....and for argument's sake we'll say 20 million of those are in the hands of dumb money retail sheep like myself.  

If DM is in fact working on a deal that could see RVX.TO explode to a vaulation of something like $20 per share as some (including myself) have speculated....then those 20 million (again, its a guess) shares are worth a heckofalotta Do Ré Mi....

And if there are parties who would like to get retail investors to bail out for $1, $1.30...$1.50 or even $2....that's not going to be an easy thing to do necessarily, imo.  And the company itself is obligated by regulators to look out for the best interests of its shareholders.  

But what if the company wanted to discourage, demoralize....perhaps weaken the resolve and loosen the hands of small retail investors?  How woud a company, any company....How could it be done?  We've all seen companies with high flying share prices, its happened here years ago.....Companies are incredibly responsive, there are lots of investor shows and conferences, lots of press and coverage.  

But when a company announces that it will be attending an investor conference, not just once but twice....and then doesn't bother to show....and worse doesn't even bother with the common courtesy of notifying shareholders.....to me its almost like having someone flip me the bird.  Not overtly....just slyly and to the side so that nobody else can see it.  

I am more than peeved....i'd use another word if i could. 

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