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Message: Re: Interesting Trades / Volume .....

C D with all due respect, your theory sorry to tell you does not hold water. If I understand you correctly you are saying that  250 MACE when reached, followed by the Top Line etc ( as itemized in Bear's posting) to be kept secret by Resverlogix. Don't know how long that would remain a secret with a member of the board being associated with HL a 43% owner, awhile backroom deals are done with BP and with whomever.  That is no different from where we are now basically in keeping the shareholders in the dark. So I see no upside to the share price awhile what your suggesting is going on. Not knowing the long-awaited results can easily be misconstrued by the market that BOM failed. And it goes against what Sarah has divulged in her email response to Bear. 

("Yes we do have planned milestone announcements regarding BETonMACE. I am not able to provide you with specific release topics. The January 2019 corporate presentation on the website has the most up to date information. I can not elaborate further." )
And what do we do for cash in the meantime? How long do you think Resverlogix will keep things silent? 
In the order of things, one would expect that if BOM does deliver the goods the first thing the company needs to do is secure funds. Good BOM results will do just that. For instance, capitalize on the ROFR in more countries than one.  
I do agree with one issue you raised in the HL 43% ownership which may be presenting a problem with seeking a high caliber BP should BOM succeed. 
So basically based on what you layed it out has some serious misgivings as I understand it unless of course there is more to it than what you say. Can you state an example of one new drug that succeeded that followed a plan of action the way you layed it out?   
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