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Message: Re: You're right 10bagr, you didn't sway me....
Jan 31, 2019 08:03PM
Jan 31, 2019 08:11PM
Jan 31, 2019 09:06PM
Jan 31, 2019 09:27PM

I am only referring to adjudicated MACE as that is the only 250 that they are going to inform us of. If they told us today that we had reached that, adjudication would be done, dosing would stop and safety followup could start. We might have reached non-adjudicated 250 MACE before Christmas and just be in that 2 - 3 months from that point. If the non-adjudicated 250 happened on Dec. 1st, we could be 2 months since and almost ready to announce 250 adjudicated. I am not wishful thinking, just talking the possibilities as we won't know until they tell us they have reached 250 adjudicated. When they announce that, we can then start the safety folowups and start counting that 4 - 16 weeks. That is how I see it it. I am open to anyone refuting this if they know the process any better than what I understand. If they can do followups while patients are still being dosed, someone please step forward and explain this. 

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