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Message: Re: What we know and what we don't.....

This reply is basically to KOO KOO and Growacet.

Yes I am referring to the BB offering and it is based at least in my case on the Preliminary Prospectus becoming the Final Prospectus. The forcast date of the deal closing is "on or about" the 30th of May subject to the final prospectus being approved and the date being agreed by the corporation and the agent.

At this moment my broker is acting on my behalf and has dealt with BB and has confirmed back to me that 6,000 units have been reserved for me.

The preliminary prospectus is available on SEDAR and I expect the final prospectus to also be there.

As has been pointed out the Warrants will (in my opinion) be essentially worthless if BoM is not successful. Of course my older warrants the $2.05 will similarly be worthless in the case of a failure in BoM. Of course the shares will not be worth much in such a case.

I am essentially wagering another $24,000.00 on my belief that the Trial will be successful and I expect (and hope) to make very good money on this investment.

I am selling some of other investments to move funds to increase my bet on this company and I do not anticipate my selling any of my existing holdings of RVX or RVX.WT; although who knows what my decisions may be in future.

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