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Message: Re: The synergy of rosuvastatin (Crestor) with apabetalone

I agree that the ASSURE trial was small which can cast some doubt on the results. I am though sensing a bit of an all or nothing scenario in discussion on it. I would say that there is a lot of room between the highly statistical results of p<0.002 with Rosuvastatin and no change with Atorvastatin. That leaves a lot of room for variation in results and there still being a large enough difference in the two for Atorvastatin to have dragged BoM down to a miss while APL/ROS being a signicant success. I think we are way ahead of ourselves to make such judgements. This is what we just spent 5 or 6 years trying to prove and we don't know yet. 

Also in ASSURE, the primary endpoint target was 0.06% plaque reduction while only 0.4% was achieved. This wasn't a large miss and was for the whole Atorvastin and Rosuvastatin combined trial with those poor Atorvastatin results dragging on the total results. Although it was a small trial I don't see why it isn't possible for the same thing to have happened. That is what we were trying to prove was that those results were somewhat representative and so far might have done just that. We won't know until November 16th when we see the comparison of the two.

CALGARY, Sept. 3, 2013 /CNW/ - Resverlogix Corp. (TSX:RVX) today announced the Full Analysis Set (FAS) data from 281 treated patients in its Phase 2b ASSURE clinical trial evaluating RVX-208 using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in high-risk cardiovascular patients. Current findings show that the below median HDL (<39 mg/dL) baseline population consisted of 92 patients who were taking either Rosuvastatin (Crestor ) or Atorvastatin (Lipitor ) together with RVX-208. Those patients taking Rosuvastatin and RVX-208 had a highly statistically significant Percent Atheroma Volume (PAV) plaque regression of -1.43% with probability value of p<0.002. This PAV regression exceeded the trial's pre-specified PAV endpoint (-0.6%) by more than two-fold. But those patients taking Atorvastatin (Lipitor ) together with RVX-208 had a PAV plaque progression of +0.19% with a non-significant probability value. The synergistic effect of the Rosuvastatin and RVX-208 combination is the basis for two recent provisional patent applications by Resverlogix.


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