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Message: Re: All quiet on the western front
Jan 02, 2020 03:41PM
Jan 03, 2020 01:23PM

The failure of BETonMACE seemed to be as a result of under powering and not because of a drug that didn't work.

I think this very astute observation by Tada really speaks to the crux of where we’re at with RVX at this point in time.  Apabetalone didn’t ‘not work’, except perhaps for the stroke aspect of 3 pt. mace, but we just don’t know (yet) if it worked well enough overall to attract the kind of interest and capital to find out for sure.  One would think that the results of the trial taken as a whole warrants and justifies the continued development of the drug.

Let’s hope some outfit with deep pockets has the vision to see this through to a more conclusive endpoint.  I for one can’t imagine that not being the case.

Jan 04, 2020 03:37PM
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