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Message: Re: All quiet on the western front
Jan 02, 2020 03:41PM
Jan 03, 2020 01:23PM
Jan 04, 2020 03:37PM

If the company and its majority shareholders know (and I’m sure they would) that there is active interest to buy it (remember also Don’s comment back in September that there was a lot of interest in the company ‘right now’) then I don’t think that keeping the ship afloat in the near term is any issue whatsoever.  Under those circumstances, if I were HL or EC I would surely find a way to keep things going through the next few months to complete the agenda the compapny is presently pursuing.  Further, any interested BP would probably prefer to know which way the FDA would rule on commercializing the drug before proceeding with an offer, even if would cost them more to buy RVX.  Much less risk over the long term.  Like Buckeyes, it also seems to me that by commercializing a drug that is proven safe would inherently provide for more data going forward without perhaps going through the formalities that may be required in a clinical trial.  As Buckeyes said, a market concurrent P4.

Finally, while any potential suitors would of course be looking for the best price I also don’t think they would quibble too much about a billion here or there.  They are looking at the potential payoff and if that is in the multi billions they would rather pay it than give it to the competition.  Let’s face it, there aren’t many other epigenetic start ups out there with a 20 year history of research and, although technically failed, what is arguably still a promising P3 trial under its belt.  If they can get FDA and EMA approval then Don’s $4B estimate might not be too far off the mark.....??

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