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Message: Forward looking statements...

...only protects to a certain point and many companies have had major issues in the past due to overstepping. If a company describes a "possible or expected" future event that proves to have no credibility then that is an over step. DM has really been pounding hard how interested BP has been. Clearly there is not much interest. At this point it would not take much for a disgruntled shareholder to stir up a class action. I for one would have to think long and hard but I do feel he has overstepped and has made, on numerous occasions, false and misleading statements. We all know what happens when a class action is filed. I am becoming extremely disgruntled as I review his past comments. I am not concerned about the money, in the least, at this point. The man needs to step down and I know what could force that. 

Feb 05, 2021 09:59AM
Feb 05, 2021 10:33AM
Feb 05, 2021 11:31AM
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