"Just watched the Sequire presentation"
"but it seems these things tend to take longer than planned." we know all to well about time lines given by this co.
Yep & ho hum for me in all honesty.
Talks about the high case count & deaths in Alberta -We will start dosing in Alberta? At this rate it will be at least Christmas before they reach a hundred unless they can take all 100 from Alberta alone??
How much more of a green light & kick in the pants do you need to start dosing in Alberta Don?? From the Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) – Biomedical Panel at the University of Alberta. "This approval allows for recruitment in the trial to commence."
Months ago telling us how ready to go they are?? I'm not even sure they have the money in place to start?
& for goodness sake can we get a Scientist to start doing the Science Presentations,please.I swear if the camera would have kept rolling we may have caught him in his pj bottoms. We need a new face with spark & energy who can get through a prestention in a much smoother manner.