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Message: 43-101

I agree with you on a lot of this but my point is as follows.

This new 43-101 will probably only drop the price down lower, so they might as well just get it taken care of right away so they can apply to get on the tsx. We dont know how long it will take to get on the tsx so the sooner tey apply the faster they can do this. Once on the tsx the critical part will be releasing the next 43-101 at the right time so the funds on there can pick us up. But up until that point, nothing else matters.

They just need to do one thing: to release the cumulative 43-101 with the right timing and that is when the market is picking back up and when they announce that we are profitable and that it will be sustained profitability.

Thats all it takes to go from 0.65 to 6.50.

and that might be the first quarter of next year.

altough ive been saying that for 3 years so what the h$ll do i know.

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