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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Re: 2012 continued
Nov 05, 2008 08:03AM
Nov 05, 2008 08:57AM
Nov 05, 2008 08:59AM
Nov 05, 2008 09:56AM

Nov 05, 2008 11:49AM
Nov 05, 2008 12:41PM

Sometime between now and 2012 inflation/hyperinflation will raise its ugly head pushing gold/silver to their outer orbit!

"Its as sure as the nose on your face!"

Governments on a fiat monetary systems live by inflation. There is nothing to stop it!

If you can imagine, "Paper as King!" Parading up and down the square as if He's invincible!

Paper backed promises are just what they are, paper backed promises! The lid is off!

Gold backed currency tightly secures the lid, slamming the door on inflation.

The curtain won't fall on "paper" until it's in total disrepute!

Just how many barrels of anything, let alone oil, can you chase with an unconcionable amount of paper rolling off the presses as US$ones, US$fives, US$twenties, US$fifties and US$hundreds!

Not many as we'll soon experience!

Gold has never given up HIS throne to paper for long as fiat currencies have existed!

Equities selling for penance in 1975, in many cases, not only went to the moon, but landed, got married, raised a family all in the span of 6 short years!

Today is a buying opp unparalleled since the mid '70s.

Most investors and management types I've recently talked to are on their way, or have just filled, their prescription for Elavil, a common anti-depressant!

This downturn in gold has opportunity spelled all over it!

Then the perps elect the most left-wing President in history!

Get a handle folks. It'll be mighty pretty for those of us disciplined enough just to "sit it out!" Those willing to throw caution to the wind, continuing to buy gold and gold related equities, will, as Bernie Cornfield would say, "become filthy rich!"

IMHO, with gold at US$2500+ the number of access drifts to lunch-room on the 300 level won't mean $hit! Or the 3000 level or the 6000ft level for that matter!

SAN's SP will exceed 3 digits preceeding the decimal point before some unscaled loose kills the party.

"The spoils going to SH's just for sitting and not doing too much thinking!"

Keep it simple!


Nov 09, 2008 02:59PM
Nov 10, 2008 09:31AM
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