Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Re: Dividend
Dec 28, 2011 06:46PM
Dec 29, 2011 11:08AM
Dec 29, 2011 11:43AM

I guess a dividend is a bit premature when San is just now breaking even but with last weeks report maybe San should now concentrate on production and not spend so much on drilling.

Exploration companies have more potential for big gains than production companies (and for big losses). A producing company is somewhat of a known quantity, that is why news of "The biggest gold find in Manitoba's history" doesn't really send the stock flying. My point is exploration is not going to drive this stock. Now is the time to concentrate on production and a dividend down the road.

Management doesn't really owe anything to people like me who got in at less than a dollar, after all they did deliver $5. They do owe something to the people who got in when they were doing all that dilution. The advisors who were touting this company to clients at four dollars plus should be all over the management of this company because their clients should be dumping them for recommending it. Management could care less about pressure from this board but their are others out there who bought into their story and recommended this stock to their clents who are now in the dog house. San may need the good will of these brokers in the future and will not get it if they can't deliver on previous promises. This is where the pressure on management will come from if there is to be any.

I think that this pressure will/should be to work on producing a profit with what you now have, reward shareholders as you reward yourselves and put money into a dividend not more exploration.

Dec 29, 2011 12:20PM
Dec 29, 2011 01:17PM
Dec 29, 2011 02:09PM
Dec 29, 2011 02:47PM
Dec 29, 2011 03:07PM

Dec 29, 2011 03:22PM
Dec 29, 2011 03:27PM
Dec 29, 2011 03:32PM
Dec 29, 2011 03:47PM
Dec 29, 2011 09:50PM
Dec 30, 2011 10:35AM
Dec 30, 2011 10:39AM
Dec 30, 2011 12:39PM
Dec 31, 2011 02:41AM
Dec 31, 2011 01:47PM
Dec 31, 2011 09:38PM
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