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Message: Re: One man's junk is another man's treasure...Pic
Apr 18, 2013 09:39AM
Apr 18, 2013 09:50AM
Apr 18, 2013 10:01AM
Apr 18, 2013 10:04AM
Apr 18, 2013 10:41AM
Apr 18, 2013 11:02AM
Apr 18, 2013 11:07AM
Apr 18, 2013 11:23AM

You state the following: "What I resent is them reveling in our misfortune, the "I told you so and I secretely HOPE we are right" attitude. Those 3 have shown no hope as you have."

Please pick out the words, sentence or post, either in this forum or somewhere on I-Hub that I state anything of the kind!!! I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY and CATEGORICALLLY DO NOT revel in others' misfortune. Unfortunately the sincerity of these words do not translate via characters on a computer screen, but those that know me personally would staunchly stand behind me on that notion, for whatever little that is worth here and now. Make no mistake about this...I want EVERYONE to win (here and in other stocks), EXCEPT for the people that I believe quite confidently are lining their own pockets at the expense of shareholders who they should have a fiduciary responsibility towards.

I've stayed off this board and I-Hub for the most part because I know that shareholders don't want to hear anything that challenges their worldview and they will react emotionally rather than logically debating. It's a "no-win" situation. I get that. Unfortunately it is the 24/7 mindless bashers on forums like Yahoo, Raging Bull and now I-Hub that have effectively ruined this critical dynamic for shareholders to objectively process information and assess and re-evaluate their investment as they have become conditioned to be instantly defensive and suspicious of any criticism about their investment. Obviously this reaction is not unique to SFMI, it happens on all stocks.

And at the risk of unintentionally sounding like I'm saying "I told you so", if shareholders would've considered listening to the things some of the non-IHub ex-shareholders were saying instead of knee-jerk attacking or just writing the counter opinions off as just the disappointment of another disgruntled ex-shareholder, then maybe some people might've actually reassessed their investment in SFMI before things really started turning ugly, rather than just tuning out those opinions that perhaps challenged their bullishness. Yes, this sounds like "I told you so", but it is not meant for any kind of ego thing, it is merely to point out the flaw, unfortunately in hindsight, in the thinking that someone who is honestly criticizing the company has ulterior motives and is out to harm your investment and its shareholders. Which wasn't the case for either me or Anton. Recall that we were both ardent bulls on SFMI and very staunch due diligence hounds. We didn't just pop up on I-Hub and start trashing the stock. Things just slowly were not adding up and rather than brushing it under the carpet, we chose to explore it and put it out their for public consumption...which was not well received, and probably still won't be in spite of the near .01 share price and close to a bilion shares outstanding.

So unlike the I-Hub bashing ilk, I do not at all revel in any shareholder's misfortune and I feel terrible for everyone who has been misled in this investment and has lost money. However, what I do resent is how shareholders are so stubbornly unwilling to consider the bearish side of the equation, especially from people whose opinions they once trusted and respected, without name-calling and derision...and unfortunately at their own financial peril.

Apr 18, 2013 12:30PM
Apr 18, 2013 12:54PM
Apr 18, 2013 01:21PM
Apr 18, 2013 02:31PM
Apr 18, 2013 02:38PM
Apr 18, 2013 02:43PM
Apr 18, 2013 02:47PM
Apr 18, 2013 03:20PM
Apr 18, 2013 03:44PM
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