Message: Re: Silverado Daily Chart- Hot-Hot-Hot "Painting the Chart"

Remember I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that the shorts working in a pac have been in control of "Painting the Silverado Chart" and that the investment strategy has been too bottom fish buying Silverado stock at a cheaper price thanks to the shorts, well, it appears to me, from watching the streaming chart this week that a" Sea Change is in the Wind" the shorts have lost control of painting the Tape. I've seen some shoot outs between buyers and the short sellers on the ticker tape and the shorts have been loosing each skirmish and are losing their control to drive the share price back down towards the cellar. My feeling is if the share price continues to move higher, many of the new shorts from the recent Fibonacci retracement will be traped. The battle is on to see who has the deeper pockets to control the Silverado price chart.

The share price has managed to close above the 20,50,200 Moving Average lines several times this week.

Please note that on the Daily Silverado Chart, the MACD Indictor below the price chart has turned extremely bullish and the Green 20 Day Moving Average line has pushed up past the the 50 Day Moving Average Line and could pass above the 200 Day Moving Average Line in approx. one week if the current bullish momentium carrys through.

Click on the link below to view Silverado Daily Chart

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

Sep 13, 2010 08:44AM

Sep 13, 2010 08:53AM
Sep 13, 2010 09:48AM
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