Message: Re: Silverado Daily Chart "The Golden Cross" A Convergance

Sep 13, 2010 08:44AM

Sep 13, 2010 08:53AM
Sep 13, 2010 09:48AM

A quick note-

I've been following the technicals more closely on the daily chart the past week, it appears that a bottom has been forming since last Friday as I had mentioned in a previous post.

The first "Golden Cross" is about to happen, the 20 Day moving average (as I type) now shares the same point .0051 on the Silverado daily chart, if the stock continues it's present momentium upwards the "Golden Cross" could happen next week? The begining of turning the chart around to looking more positive which could send a signal to the technical momentum players to step in to partcipate buying the stock?

It appears that the 20 and the 200 DMA have been the support level for the stock price the past three days.

Lets see where the stock closes today

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

If I can, I will try to put up a chart later today. As I've said in the pass, I am no expert but I am happy to share my basic knowledge with you about reading a few of the technical indicators for the chart.

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