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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Cylinder... please get this...

Cylinder... please get this...

posted on Jun 02, 2008 06:44PM

PLease use my expearience with this company for the past 15 years.

  • a RS traditionally has been FEARED by all decent shareholders for many years.
  • during the same many years, BASHERS have promised that this day would come...
  • unfortunately a few directors gave the bashers & shorters what they wanted
  • NOW ...even with the POSSIBILTIY of a split, we lost 40% of our value ...and most importantly, that was after our share price came down with all other junior metals with 'market sentiment' ...in other words it was a very painful 40% ...10.5 to 6.5 in about two weeks!
  • Cylinder ... just imagine where we are headed if a split is passed and management will be able to enact it any time until dec. 31
  • no one will be on the BID to buy . ..even with good news ...no one! ...not when a split is in the air

'splits' are always considered derogatively in the market place for junior exploration companies ...always! (nortel is not a junior explorer)

and after a split takes place ...many times the 'junior' slides back towards the original share price, before the split ...this is catastrophic in many cases of past expeariences with juniors

i have never heard of a junior splitting because of good 'health' ..it's always because they are WEAK.

....SPQ is NOT weak ...we have cash ...we have a great drilling season in progress ...going right through the summer and into the fall

neil novak said to my face: "i can pick up the phone and get 6 million easy ....getting money is no problem" ...this converstion took place at the spq---not booth.

the reason for this: the "ring of fire" ...now the hottest exploration spot in all of north america ...for sure canada.

it was a grave error for those directors who brought this forward at all and especially at this time.

please take time to reflect and help us have our company realize some value

....remeber if this split goes through it will not matter what drill results we get through the summer.

people will just say ..."nice drill results ...but i am not buying cause there is a split coming"

even after the BOD decides to enact a split sometime before dec. 31 (if they get a pass on june 19) ...there is doubt many buyers will be present becasue they will be fearful the bashers will back to take it down again... back to teritorry more traditionally accustom to.

  • lastly: two reason were given for the possible split along with the notification on Sedar
  1. raising money
  2. sub - due day trading
  • AGAIN: ....WE DON'T NEED MONEY NOW & AS Neil says have no problem raising it for future programs!
  • a split will not solve daytrading ....look at NOT: they are inflicted by day traders too ....even when they were six and seven dollars... daytraders were shorting ect. ect. ...it's part of business ...it's part of the market world.
i can't stand this scurge of daytraders/bashers but i certainly do not want to give them more amunition by handing over the idea of 'split' being considered and then if passed, hanging over us, and then if enacted finally, the possibiltiy of reclining back towards original pre-split share price.

i am trusting this helps you stay united with many of us in defeating this lunitic idea of 'splitting'.

lets unite !

the moment it is defeated we will see a sharp rise in SPQ SHARE PRICE. ...IT'S ADONE DEAL if we consolidate and help each other with this issue.

sincerely ....danny

Jun 03, 2008 09:06AM
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