As a rule Reverse Splits are bad for the share holder.
The day traders are here to stay. The answer is to get good results and a constant flow of information.
The day traders will do what they do and the price isn't as important to them as is the market activity.
There are plenty of low priced shares with no market activity.
SPQ just needs great results from their own drills and also from the other drillers in the ROF
43-101 will help
The messages in news release must be written for the layman not the geologist. News releases confuse the average shareholder and if only geologists played the market...there would be no market.
The KISS principle allies.
Geologists must learn about sentence structure and use periods more often.
There is nothing wrong with headings in a NR and maybe a definition once in a while.
Good luck SPQ...now show us something