Message: Re: LL - From a previous filing, dated - 4/27/07 - damages...Larry...

Jan 21, 2007 12:50PM

Jan 21, 2007 01:51PM

Jun 02, 2007 10:15AM

Jun 02, 2007 03:21PM

Jun 02, 2007 09:26PM

Thanks for the posting of the PRAYER in EDIG'S SECOND AMENDED COUNTER CLAIM. It says it all, and should be chiseled on the forehead of every wanna be Lawyer who has opined here that Mr. WENCOR is getting away with his shinnanigans.

With your permission I am highlighting the remainder of the sections, as I consider them to be very important too.


Wherefore, e.Digital prays for judgment against digEcor as follows:

1. Dismissing each and every claim in digEcor’s Complaint, with a declaration that digEcor take nothing against e.Digital thereunder;

2. Declaring that e.Digital is not in breach of any agreements with or any rights of digEcor, or is enjoined from marketing its eVU design in any market (as further explained above);

3. Awarding damages to e.Digital for digEcor’s breach of its agreements of confidentiality;

4. Awarding e.Digital damages for digEcor’s misappropriation of e.Digital’s trade secrets;

5. Enjoining digEcor’s manufacture or sale of their next generation digEplayer XT;

6. Awarding damages to e.Digital for digEcor’s breach of its duty to negotiate in good faith;

7. Enjoining digEcor’s tortious interference with e.Digital’s existing and prospective economic relations;

8. Awarding damages to e.Digital for digEcor’s tortious interference with e.Digital’s existing and prospective economic relations;

9. Enjoining digEcor’s defamatory statements;

10. Awarding damages to e.Digital for digEcor’s defamatory statements

11. Declaring that digEcor shall indemnify e.Digital for any liability to e.Digital that might arise from digEcor’s use of unlicensed technology in its media players.

12. Awarding punitive or exemplary damages to e.Digital;

13. Awarding e.Digital its costs and attorneys’ fees incurred herein; and

14. For such other and further relief as the Court deems is just and proper."

All the italic highlighted sections are mine. With sections 2,5,7,9,11 being of sepecial significance.

If Mr. Straight can pove the case for the Court to award in one of those Prayers, Mr. WENCOR can kiss it good bye...Lol...



Jun 05, 2007 01:39PM

Jun 05, 2007 06:06PM

Jun 05, 2007 09:12PM
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