Message: Re: Well I like this even element?? Olympus on board...

Good point Jef.

I recall a discussion during a visit to EDIG with RP and poster jonthezman on the cross licensing topic, but not Samsung specifically that I recall. It went something like this, but not a direct quote, as I just don't remember the details now. This meeting took place on Sept 17, 2009 I think?

Again, not a direct quote.

We choose to include XLA's to help facilitate settlements. There are fees we are paying to use IP of CE companies. The XLA's allow us to reduce cost of the eVU and future products.

I tend to think but do not know, negotiating a XLA in a settlment 1 by 1, would lesson the cash portion of the infringement/licensing fee.

That's my personal take and opinion only.

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