Message: Re: I guess my thick skull is missing something!/ JACK...
Aug 27, 2011 01:34PM

You said:...

"if it took the court 5 months to rule on one issue it will take us another five months to rule on the second issue."

Simply said, it is a horse of a different color my friend...

A Judge can take 5 months or more, (up to 6 months), before having to answer for delay on issuing a decision on "substantive" matters. However, when the parties have agreed to some "procedural" Plan to get the show on the road, and they present it to the Court for its consent, there is no excuse for long delays.

These matters would usually be taken up by Judge Watanabe; however, since the matter is directed to Judge MK, with a direct request for a ruling on 737, you can bet the back 10 Acres of your ranch, there will be no 6 months delay...

Hope this explains it better...


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