Message: Anyone hear that loud whistle?

Everyone can vent all they want, even whine, but it won't change a thing.

People griped for years about RP's salary, and they griped about him working at EDIG part time and ATCO (now named LRAD) part time....what did that change? People griped when he left...what did that change?

When investors ask a question of Fred or anyone else that is company confidential in there view, you get the "I cannot answer on advice of counsel." If I ask Fred, "when are we going to file against Apple, does anyone think he'd answer me? Questions that cross the line as instructed by DM, that could harm their efforts and put EDIG's legal success at risk, will go unanswered or even ignored....common sense.

Putting up the Inno site was premature and Fred stated at the SHM it was a mistake. Personally, I think it went up to take our attention away from the RP concerns.

Eric Polis got a BOD seat after the 2008 SHM and everyone thought that was great! What has he done for us or the PPS?

As for NUNCHI announced Mar 14, how would we feel if there was dead silence all year until 9/1? We'd be griping about 7 new patent filings vs zero....and we gripe it takes "years" for approval and they might not get approved anyway.

I am not speaking to you alone BLR, I am venting about the venting and repetition that will not resolve anything, but vent we must because it helps keep us sane...LOL.

Your turn...go ahead, let me have it....(:>)

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