Message: Re: What I would like to see...Silver and received on 1/12..
Jan 24, 2012 10:30PM
Jan 25, 2012 03:01PM

"Another optimistic element is that Edig has been approached by some firms to settle but nothing on this front as yet. All in all FF is pleased with the pregress so far."

Why settle while there's a possibility that the USPTO does not recognize the re-exam issues favorably?

This company is hinged to the re-exam and nothing else matters.....including new patents. IMO, they are hinged to the re-exam by way of reference.

Nothing is salable until this issue is resolved.

If resolved, their new patents will supersede in the future the old issues by reference. At some point the referenced issues become mute and the applications will be more important.

But for now we sit with our fingers crossed....and the USPTO either excepts the details of "coupled circuitry" as the important issue and not how a "power supply" eventually "sources power" to a device.


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