Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Copper and Gold in Afghanistan
Oct 06, 2018 10:41PM

Yes VP, Army INF. It seems Ive seen post where you mentioned Vietnam and INF, if so: Thank You and all the Vietnam vets, as well as every other vet. But the Vietnam vets are specifically why todays vets are treated, in every aspect from medical to benefits to respect, the way they are. There are few wars the US has fought that actually resulted in a distinct change in American or world history (Revoluntionary, Civil, WWI, and WWII). Yet, I would contest that Vietnam vets made as big an impact, and probably greater sacrifice, than most of the wars the US has ever fought. The Vietnam vets changed the way America looks at its protectors. To me, serving was an obligation, there is no aspect of my life that I am more proud of-except my son. Those years in the military, particularly all the years in combat, were the best and worst of my life. There is a brother hood that exceeds any birth a mother could give. The memories can be shared but only a few can ever recognize the taste. Life is funny, it leads us here and there. Things beckon us, our desires call us, circumstance becomes happenstance. Just as here with Hay Mountain. All of us are invested, some to make a quick dime, some are holding out for the whole dollar. Will we be part of something historical? Will we be able to say to our children and grandchildren "I stumbled across a little exploration company named Liberty Star Uranium and Metals Corporation, run by some guy named James Briscoe out of Arizona. He said there was possibly up to a trillion dollars of copper and other metals in the ground near a place called Hay Mountain. Alot of people bashed him, mocked him, but he had done something similar, though not quite as extensive, in Alaska. I believed him. Now thats my claim to fame, I bought stock in what became a historical mine." I believe that day will come. Every investment, every stock purchased, is done with anticipation, expectation, and some with dreams. If not, then the person is waisting their money and their time, and we all know time is far more valuable than money. Lets get that copper out of the ground.

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