One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Let me express my frustration.

Mar 31, 2014 05:31PM

Mar 31, 2014 06:13PM

Apr 01, 2014 01:07AM

Apr 01, 2014 01:12AM

Apr 01, 2014 09:58AM

Apr 02, 2014 05:51AM

Apr 02, 2014 02:25PM

Apr 02, 2014 07:14PM

Apr 03, 2014 08:25AM

Apr 03, 2014 11:53AM

Regards back. Believe me, there are more "downer" days than up for me but I don't like to publicize my thoughts when they are negative. We all have enough of those and I don't see a need to add to everyone's list. That's why I went under my rock for a time.

I don't think I excuse every twist and turn, just most of them! I look at it this way. There are a number of partners involved, including contractors, Bank of Muscat, the Sultan, consultants, etc. If this were going to fall apart due to some conspiracy or evil plot, it would have happened a long time ago. Partners are sticking with it. No one has bailed. That speaks volumes. Most new companies, if they are going to fail, fail within the 1st 5 years. This company has no revenues, no profits, yet has had a lifeline with a NJ fund to provide modest amounts of funding to keep Omagine Inc going. The fund has not bailed. CCC is a major construction firm with extensive experience, contacts and worldwide experience, including in the middle east. They have not bailed. You get the point.

As for the "... point in time where the absurdity of the delays and the implausable nature becomes untenable ...". I've been at that point numerous times, including recently. But have managed to come back for the reasons stated above. Everyone's breaking point is different. Obviously Gibby's and I think Edison, now, too, is at a lower point than others. And that's ok.

I don't find it unbelievable at all that a very small parcel of the land earmarked for the project had been given to a high level govt official without anyone else in our project knowing about it. It's not likely that MOH was aware of the specific 1,000 square meters as the project discussions probably hadn't included them. There would be no reason for the MOT to know. No reason for Omagine to know. Stuff happens. Murphy's law, etc.

We have to stop expecting timelines. Clearly it just doesn't work that way over there. The MOH will get the deed corrected and it shouldn't take that long especially with the MOT and Frank following up as appropriate (which I suspect would be about now since the MOH has had it for a week ... and, for the record, that is NOT based on any conversations I may or may not have had with Charlie). The minister has said he'll sign after receiving the corrected deed. How much more specific can he get? He can't give a date until he has the deed.

I wouldn't expect the govt to speak much about this project until the DA gets signed. That signing represents something extremely important and something that the govt and others can only point to once it's signed. It marks the end of one very long chapter (OK, volume 10 of a very long, tedious novel), and the beginning of something incredibly huge for Oman. So huge, that the Sultan himself has signed on (the only project he's a personal investor in ... which means something very significant).

I would respectively disagree with your observation that the market is telling us they don't believe. While I hate days like today, I take comfort that it's only a few measily thousand shares. The trades of 1 or 2 or 3 individuals do not, in my mind, reflect the market sentiment. The fact that the prior 2 days had virtually no trade activity tells me the market DOES have some level of faith and is just waiting a little longer.

I don't know if this helps, but I would ask that you not be "somewhat troubled" by my level of belief. My level of belief shouldn't effect you. You don't need me or anyone else to validate your feelings nor should I expect others to validate my views. Maybe what you're really saying is that you don't understand WHY I have such a level of belief. Well, I've laid them out above. You're free to accept them in whole or in part, but that's how I see it. I really, really, really hope all this becomes moot in the very near future in a positive way. I know that we can agree on that!

Apr 04, 2014 06:21PM
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