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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Re: How did the stock get to $2.78 last year?

Well, thanks for the warm invite JW. I share my comments because others were discussing the need for shareholders from varied backgrounds. I potentially fit that description. lol. I'm not interested in convincing anyone of anything. I am only looking to find my own personal comfort level going forward.

I want this company and Lori to succeed. I will not berate the leader as it is of no benefit to anyone moving forward. I would prefer to stay far away from any verbal diarrhea. Any concerns of mine have already been identified in past posts by others. My focus is to move forward.

Suffice to say for me it all boils down to "trust". Its like a marriage or partnership, trust is earned, not granted. When the trust is there, I don't question too much, but when the trust is not there, everything, even the mundain silly things, gets questioned and second guessed.

Any leader can earn my trust (I'm a pretty trusting soul) through actions and behaviours. Displaying confidence, professionalism, sincerity, effective, timely communications.

When I can trust, my job is easy - I can move on, trusting they are getting their jobs done while I'm doing mine.

I see the next NR as that opportunity. For example, if it is suggested I should call the office to get more detail, then that would be it for me. I have no intentions of calling anyone to get information that should otherwise be clear to an educated reader (who the heck is Jeff anyway?). I have no intentions of becoming a geo, so the executive summary is good enough for me. In saying that however, I also accept the responsibility of doing my own due dilligence by educating myself with the assistance of the experts that I trust.

JW I agree the recent changes to the directorship is impressive.

So what do I know? I know there's gold in them there hills! How much? I don't know. Like everyone, I'm eager to see what's in those darn core samples!

Good luck everyone.

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