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Message: the seeds have all been planted

Fellow shareholders,

All the seeds have been planted by us, now I believe we must step back to let them grow.

I believe the PP must go through, and feel assured that in the future, by way of circumstance, that our interests will be protected. I am not saying that we can trust current management, but I am saying that I believe we can trust that one way or another, that our interests will be looked after in the long run. IMO, we have secured our future with this investment, and are well over the hump. I believe there is little choice by those in control of this company and all the others that govern such control, but to protect our interests and ascertain that interest.

I believe our investment is safe now, and we can put this on autopilot and let it go. All mechanisms available to us have been put in place and should secure the favourable outcome for us. This, not being a threat, but I believe accountabilty towards us in the future, because of the past, is a must, whereas the path has been narrowed for the liability of all the ones in charge.It doesn,t matter if this takes a year or two to get back on track, I believe that our past and future are secured here, that we get treated fairly. I don,t see how all in charge, and I am not talking solely about current management, have any other choice.

IMO, if you feel comfortable, and are accredited and able, you may wish to take up some of the PP. A couple investors called and were told by Lori that it is open to them, so if you qualify, its your choice if you want to participate. For those that are not able to participate in the PP, but do feel secure enough with this investment, you may wish to add to your position by buying on the open market. We know this investment is valuable, and that there would have not been such a fight by those to keep control, if it wasn,t. So, they are restricted, to do the right thing, because of past actions. I am also guessing that the sp will start to continuously rise, as more observers start to position themselves reassured by the fact that financing will go through and will secure the companies future, this will perhaps bring new investors in that know, you don,t have a control battle this intense, for nothing.

We also know that the AGM is getting close, and that as far as I know, there was very little shares sold, so perhaps the 50% is still maintained by the Green Team, and most likely can still ascertain a majority of votes at the next AGM, regardless of the dilution from this present PP. We must have faith and trust that this is so, and carry on, keeping a vigilant eye on things and documenting, should any funny things happen or present themselves. And keep in mind, there is always the possibility of surprises in the favour of shareholders. If we cannot trust that our interests are secured by now, then we can never trust any part of this country,s system, and if the case, we always have options.

By no means am I saying in this post that I give up, I never give up. I am always around and can assure that I will do anything I can, as well as many more of you, to help secure our futures with this investment. I am merely saying that I believe the choices to be made now, depend on the other side, and we must observe their actions for the next while. All the seeds have been planted.

I love all you guys, now please breath more easier and don,t ever let your faith wander. I am still around, but will not be posting as much nor engaging bashers to the extent I have in the past, I believe we are beyond that, and that the basher component will diminish or disappear in the very near future. I have sacrificed a big part of my life in this battle, mainly the financial part, and must now work to secure my immediate needs ,with a peaceful mind.

thank you

Love rick

Sep 15, 2013 09:58AM
Sep 15, 2013 06:09PM

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