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Message: Re: the seeds have all been planted
Sep 14, 2013 02:45PM

As a new investor BJ, I hope you get your wish, from your very first post. As bigjohn anyway (Looking for a little pop to pick up 40-50%)

Anyway, not sure if your complaining comment towards Molson, was the right word, but yes, many of us were certainly questioning NR's, new websites, PP's, etc, long prior to the drill results.

As I'm sure you've done your DD, and reviewing all the prior posts, it should have been quite clear. Sept 14, 2011 stands out for one example. The new website launched, I believe is where & when we found out for the first time we had new properties in BC, with quite a bit of work done already, but also more importantly, was this not when we found out we actually owned 100% of the Vilcoro? IMO, that was material information, which took approx 9 months till we found out, and that was only because we reviewed the new website so clearly & so quickly.

If you listened to the 2011 AGM, you will note the tone of the meeting & the many questions asked. I strongly suggest, everyone listen to the audio as a minimum. I personally asked the Vilcoro question, and if Management considered this material or not? Please listen.

Many also questioned the PP in Aug 17, 2011 which closed on Oct 07, 2011, which seemed to be a huge discount to the present trading. I know I could not get in on it, nor anyone I knew, but very thankfull now for that. I also questioned this @ the AGM. Continual questioning, actually got me a one on one outside the room, with ........ ? You must know who?

Many more questions prior to the drill results, the oh so many posters we had join Agoracom in Oct, 2011. Quite interesting times. The long time old positive posters, that turned negative in Oct 2011, ah, they saw the flags. Oh, so very smart indeed!

Well, that should be enough for now, besides, I just finished a 14 hour night shift. Excuse any spelling errors, I am very tired!

Hind sight is so very clear, is it not?

Sep 15, 2013 06:09PM

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