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Message: Re: the seeds have all been planted
Sep 14, 2013 02:45PM
Sep 15, 2013 09:58AM

Sinister you truly make me laugh

"I am not sure how these guys measure success but I measyre it in dollars and cents so I consider Lori to have been successful as she gave shareholder a fantastic opportunity to makw a lot of money. Taking a stock from under a dime to over 2.50 in a few short year is stellar performance."

Based on this twisted rationale...the following two companies and their CEO's are true successes.



Your ability to equate smoke and mirrors and deciept with success speaks to your incredible business acumen and character...and the fact that you consider Lori to be successful...is beyond mind-boggling. Based on what pray tell?

I hope you get your double or triple or whatever...the irony is that the quickest way to a double would actually be the replacement of management...that alone would pop the SP to at least a double as there are plenty supporters who would come to the table again based on their belief in the properties.

I'm not a short term investor, but I have a number of friends that go that route...the funny thing is they have the same goals as you...swoop in to take a position in a company...get a quick double or triple and get out. Interesting though...not a single one engages in conversation with boards as incessantly and primarily do DD, research data and trends, and a whole lot of technical analysis to make their trading decisions.

I'd suggest maybe you spend more time on the technical instead of spending so much time trying to prove to the world you are the intelligent investor you want to be...and maybe then you'll have the success in the markets you so clearly want.

or maybe for kicks you simply like to spout off hindsight and spin to somehow try to convince a bunch of anonymous individuals you are smarter than they are because your father didn't hug you enough as a child.

maybe you're just sociopathic.

no matter what your deal is....maybe you can put forth actual compelling reasons why the decision of the BOD to keep management in place for as long as they have is a good decision based on company performance...because to date, no one has.

until someone who supports current management can put that compelling argument forth...I'll remain obliged to think otherwise as all evidence points to the removal of management as the right decision...it's hard to argue with abject failure.


Sep 15, 2013 06:09PM

Sep 15, 2013 06:51PM

Sep 15, 2013 07:54PM
Sep 15, 2013 08:02PM

Sep 15, 2013 08:09PM

Sep 15, 2013 08:14PM
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