Message: Reflections in an amber eye

Snitched from McCullers.

The best thing about driving that truck is that one has time to ponder things, totally devoid of noise from the rest of the world. With the occasional heart stopping foolish act of deer and bad drivers. I can forgive the deer. Unless they eat my bulbs.

I always try to read at least 1 or 2 hours a day. Not real specific stuff. Any and all. I set aside an hour for playing with the dogs. Brain needs rest. Feed and consult the cat when she appears from wherever.

I strongly encourage folks reading Lawrence Solomon's piece on the world's most populous religion. And Michael Coren on similar matters on Sun News. Interesting stuff. Zero doubt this Jesus fella did, in fact, exist. Won't go any further on religous matters, but the results of the said Jesus are central to the theme of this piece. That being "sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" Sorta.

Spoke to a church goin supervisor person the other day, pulled the joke about the Last Voice of the Martyr and the lion cages and this person didn't get it. Didn't know what a martyr was. Musta slept through that part of the sermon.

Pondered the matter of Dec. 21 being the longest night of the year. But why isn't it the coldest? Does the answer immediately pop in to your noodle? Took me a minute to ponder, then googled when I got home to discover my ponderin was pretty much correct. Then posed the question to some other folks and got a dumb stare.

Recalled a study about college students being asked during VietNam war and Irag conflict to point out the countries on a map and (I forget the actual stats) but something like over half couldn't point out these countries.

In the future, I think the internet will go down as the greatest whatever, ever. All the knowledge of the world at the click of a moose. (I got big hands) But what do folks do with it? Play Angry friggin Birds, I imagine, cause John and Jane Q. Public don't seem to know much.

If we are waiting for this public to invest in Venture stocks and float all the boats, we may be in for a bit of a wait. So here's what we do.

Go forth and preach the gospel of investing. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. When you meet up with friends and family over the holidays, tell 'em Truck says they are to get to learnin stuff. Anything. Cut back on the video games a bit. Do a bit of readin on stocks. That young fella that stomped around the desert a few thousand year ago seems to have done alright by yakkin things up.

Nother thing. Went to a buddy's house a while back. He is a devout Serbian. He was shocked to know that I knew about the Battle of the Crows in 1389, that Serbs suffered the most casualties in WW1 per capita (He didn't know) and that Alex Lifeson, guitar fella from Rush is a Serb (He didn't know). And a bunch of other Serb history. I'm not a Serb. I licked up most of my pal's beer and got thanked for my trouble. Internet. Sneaky buggar, eh? Truck's Momma didn't raise no dummy. Beer is great. Free beer is greater. And they got up to fetch it. Hee Hee.

So there you have it. Learn stuff. Spread it around. Learn about other folks. Enjoy yer beer they fetch.

Not much else to add. Cat says them 2000 share purchii at HSBC will turn out to be G. Monaghan.

Apologies if I have offended. Knowing what is offensive is not my strong suit. Can't seem to find a pill for foot in mouth disease.

Merry Christmas, all y'all.


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