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Message: Re: Ecuador: Mining contracts will be re-negotiated

If anyone has any comments, I'd love to hear thoughts on some of the statements in this article ( ).

"Correa's high approval ratings and repeated electoral successes mean his position could be favoured, especially given the technical nature of the issue and its lack of relevance for most Ecuadorians."

"Correa's high approval rating" ... I was wondering where to find a current, accurate/unbiased source of data for Correa’s approval rating. Found an Angus Reid article ...

… which indicates that Correa’s approval rating was on the rise earlier this year. It looks like Angus Reid’s source polls monthly. It will be interesting to see what April’s poll results look like when they come out which, based on timing of the March results being published through Angus Reid, should be fairly soon.

"lack of relevance for most Ecuadorians" ... True, or not? Some Ecuadorians are directly affected and suffering loss of income as a result of the mining mandate but it would seem to be a relatively small percent of the population. Is mining and the potential economic benefit a big issue or is it pretty low on the list of concerns or level of awareness for the majority of Ecuadorians?

“Although Correa came to power with the support of a large part of Ecuador's indigenous peoples, many organizations representing this constituency have threatened widespread protests to demand an end to mining …”

I have not seen too much in the way of posts or news indicating that anti-mining protest activities were taking place. I guess the key word might be threatened.

“By suspending mining operations, the decree allows Correa to postpone conflicts with indigenous and environmental groups and avoid clashes within his own party until after elections.”

I’ve been trying to understand the rationale for the suspension of activities. This statement seems to me to be offering a reasonable explanation for Correa’s support for the suspension. The benefit to Correa outweighs the potential cost relative to achievement of his objectives.

“Correa calculates that: high prices and strong demand for minerals will discourage mining companies from leaving and encourage more investment; foreign investors will respond favourably to a higher royalty regime if the government proves reliable, and promotes law, order and a stable investor environment; and if successful, he would be able to take credit for making mining more profitable for the state.”

This seems to sum it up from my perspective … key word being “if”.

"Politics is about getting collective action from a group of people who may have quite different interests. It is about being willing to use conflict and disorder creatively". -- Robert Eccles, Beyong the Hype, Harvard University Press

May 06, 2008 12:08PM
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