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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: sorry about the off topic
Nov 27, 2008 07:23PM
Nov 28, 2008 01:35AM

Nov 28, 2008 04:03AM

Nov 29, 2008 09:43AM

Nov 29, 2008 11:14AM

Nov 29, 2008 08:52PM

Nov 29, 2008 09:40PM

Nov 30, 2008 04:36AM
Nov 30, 2008 05:57AM
Nov 30, 2008 07:53AM

Nov 30, 2008 12:34PM

Nov 30, 2008 04:20PM

Dec 01, 2008 05:21AM

Dec 01, 2008 08:10AM

Dec 01, 2008 09:47AM

Dec 01, 2008 10:50AM
Dec 01, 2008 11:13AM

Dec 01, 2008 11:33AM
Dec 01, 2008 12:10PM
Dec 01, 2008 05:03PM
Dec 02, 2008 04:49AM

Dec 02, 2008 08:25AM

Dec 02, 2008 08:34AM

Dec 02, 2008 08:43AM

Dec 02, 2008 05:46PM

Dec 03, 2008 04:15AM

Dec 03, 2008 04:20AM
Dec 03, 2008 04:29AM

Dec 03, 2008 04:48AM
Dec 03, 2008 05:50AM

Dec 03, 2008 06:44AM
Dec 03, 2008 07:46AM
Dec 03, 2008 08:03AM

Dec 03, 2008 12:29PM

Dec 03, 2008 01:15PM

I don't know these guys but if I look also on Stock there is a fierce discussion on politics.I noticed too TSX was down

They talking again on a new tax "carbon tax " .What do yoy think guys what's gonna happen.Have there been elections recently or are they coming soon .

I hear you talking many times about your leaders and it looks the next to come are also the wrong part.How come these guys if they are so inpopular get elected ?

Is there no stimulation plan so far for Canadian companies ?

I think we must be pleased that we get the approval so far if we see UTS is closing.Can't it be government will try to slow down oil sands growth .

Could be we will see another approach on many things and another kind of economy more enviriomental orientated ,with nwe technics coming in place like wind power,solar ,electrical cars ,oil sand developments but with minor risk on carbon etc..

To me the big engine culture has had his last moves.Look what car makers will do.If they don't change in the US Japanese and European car makers wil run them out because they are further in their develoment technics.So the era of using lost of fuel is passed IMO.

I giess the writers of the peak oil theory has never thought we should have a crisis like this.Al the shit in the media that the crisis was just a problem in the US and would be minor elswhere is BS.

Now China to sees his unemployment rising .That says something.

The idea that China ,India etc. would take over the growth is just a mistake just like they wrote in the end of '90 about the so called "new economy and the old one"Look what's left from the new one.

If they can(t change the attitude and negative spiral it will take long time.One good point to read was they would try to buy bonds so that rate could come down and people could refinance their homes.That's one very good step.Maybe the best so far.Combined with other rate and tax plans could help.Now all over the world overstocks were dumped at super bargain prices .If people believe this is now the time to buy that could be a start .

Curious what Opec will do at next meeting ?

Picked up again at 1.05 .CLL reaction on the lower price is not so heavy anymore then previous slide .If we are lucky 1 $ will be bottom but as long as indexes stay around current levels I be carefull.

Dec 03, 2008 03:43PM

Dec 03, 2008 06:28PM

Dec 03, 2008 11:50PM

Dec 04, 2008 05:49AM
Dec 04, 2008 06:19AM
Dec 04, 2008 08:06AM

Dec 04, 2008 02:50PM
Dec 05, 2008 03:36AM

Dec 05, 2008 06:09AM
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