Hi Sharky:
The reality is that collapses in markets are commonly preceded by what Alan Greenspan called" irrational exuberance". Do I know if Mr Dent is right? Of course not. Just as I do not know if those forecasting that all will be wonderful are right. To me, it seems the most pudent course continues to be to keep ones options open so that one can react in the most advantageous fashion regardless of which scenario develops. If Mr Dent appears to be accurate as we go forward, we will be presented with opportunities. If he is wrong, then our course will be more pleasant and less stressful in all likelihood. Either way, there will be opportunities. At present, a reasonable amount of cash seems prudent in anyones planning. If oil does have a "blow off" top as we go forward, then raising some cash as the top pogesss, just in case Mr. Dent is right, may be prudent.
What I do know. Gathering as much information as one can prior to whatever scenario will appear as the ultimate reality, will better prepare one to act decisively and quickly to achieve the greatest advantage. As the old saying goes "prior planning prevents pi** poor performance"!
The other things I know. Our economy is very stressed. It has been seventy years since we exited the last depressionary economy!